Hmm. November.
Marching Band season came to an end. It was rougher year than last. No endless string of sweeps and some stiffer competition. In the end, they placed second at state competition. Grandparents came up for the Friends and Family performance. Fortunately it was clear and fairly warm that night. This year they invited parents to come and march with them during one song on the field. Darin did it. He nearly got trampled.
Hannah and the fiddle group started putting together a CD this month. They still have a lot of recording to do and are working to concentrate their efforts on Christmas music. Hannah's been collecting and transposing traditional celtic carols for weeks.
First trimester of school is over. We're all relieved. Hannah got all A's on her report card after stressing about her first (and last) year back in public school. She did a psychology presentation that was kind of fun--her an a group of kids in her class had to do an oral poetry presentation on some psychological malady. They chose Hypochondrianism. Funny. This tri she has more college courses, which means buying more textbooks, which hits the pocketbook hard. Ouch. Fortunately you can find great deals on just about anything SOMEWHERE online. We ended up paying about $50 apiece for $150 textbooks. The textbook racket really steams my britches!
Did I mention we all had the swine flu? I think that was last month. At least all us girls. Everyone had SOME sort of sickness during that time. If the boys had it they didn't have it severely. Just a couple of days of not feeling all that great.
Anyway, back to November:
Thanksgiving with Darin's family this year--and it was a weekend FULL.
Wednesday we did the annual soup/pie night. It's GREAT! We each bring a pot of soup and a pie or two to share, then eat all the pie we want! No feeling stuffed after pigging out on Thanksgiving dinner and not having room for pie afterward! There are usually plenty of leftovers to feed people over the weekend.
Thursday, of course, we ate and played. Friday we played and ate. Darin's sister put together a Jeopardy game composed of information she had collected about the members of the family as well as information about some of the family ancestors. It was great fun. But NEVER, I repeat N.E.V.E.R. use those game show buzzers with a room full of small children and teenagers. I swear, I thought my head would explode! Saturday, the teens went to the temple to do baptisms for a couple dozen ancestors that the family geneaological team had uncovered. THAT was cool. We made it back to Ogden that afternoon JUST in time to get Ian to the school--the marching band was playing in the Christmas (oh, excuse me for not being Politically Correct) HOLIDAY parade that night. Sunday, we CRASHED!
Monday, much to EVERYONE'S chagrin, it was back to the old grind--school and work.
Christmas break is coming, people!