22 February 2009


A CON is a science fiction and fantasy CONvention--although this one is more of a conference.

BYU every year hosts the Life, the Universe, and Everything sci-fi/fantasy conference. Cons are fun--and not just for the, hmm, shall we say attention-deprived souls who come wearing kilts and elvin capes. Although I have to admit, LTUE is probably MORE fun for writers in the genre than it is for fans of the genre--although they show up in pretty good numbers just to see their favorite writers.

This is my third year going. Hannah and Ian came for their first time last year, and came with me again this year. We stayed at Sharon's house (THANKS, Sharon!) over Friday night and attended lectures and panel discussions, mostly on writing topics, for two days. We met some REAL writers--like Jessica Day George, got our copy of Fablehaven signed by Brandon Mull, and went out to lunch with a writer friend of mine, Kathleen Dalton-Woodbury, who is always a great source of conversation and really great with the kids.

While I was there I had the idea that maybe I ought to teach a workshop or chair a discussion on writing science fiction and fantasy for the flash fiction market. I ran the idea by Kathleen and she suggested that maybe I ought to do it for the CONduit convention coming up in May in SLC. She's going to put me in touch with the gentleman who organizes it.

Now that might be pretty darn cool!

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