16 June 2009

A Little Bit of Everything

There's STILL a hole in my carpet. But the painting is almost done.

My garden is growing nicely, though some of the plants are a bit pale--not enough sun lately, I think.

The lawn WAY needs mowing. We haven't had a dry day in two weeks!

We have no water today--the city was kind enough (THIS time) to tell us that our water was going to be shut off today due to water line repair and update. Hopefully it won't be off tomorrow, too.

We've had some pretty amazing temple experiences this month--three of them. First, some dear friends of ours had their third child sealed to them. They've adopted three children through foster care, and now all three are sealed to them. It was a neat experience. Second, my neice, Claire was married. It was a beautiful ceremony and a lovely day, with the rain holding off--literally--until we had the last table taken down after the reception! Third, another neice, Alison, was sealed to her husband and two boys. It's been very cool to see the changes they've made in their lives to make it possible. They're a great family!

The kids just came back from a bike ride, which means my hour of peace and quiet just came to an end.

Ian turns fifteen on Saturday. He THINKS he's going to get his learner's permit! Whatever!!

Darin and I will be celebrating our 20th anniversary on the 28th. He won't tell me where we're going or what we're doing, and he's sworn the kids to secrecy and warned me that if I even BUG them about telling me any details he'll hold me down so they can tickle me. They're all having so much fun with this. But just to get him back, me and the kids won't tell him what we're getting HIM for Father's Day! Bwahahaha!!

Hannah made business cards this week. That was weird. My daughter has business cards!

Darin, Hannah, and Ian leave tomorrow morning for youth conference. Me and Maren will be ALL ALONE!! I'm sure we'll find something fun to do. We'll post pics when the week's over.

The dog needs a bath, but we don't have any water to give her one today.

We're having grilled chicken legs for dinner tonight.

My car window squeals when you lower it--but only when the car is dirty.

I paid $2.49 a gallon for gas yesterday and the same price for a case of bottled water.

I'm thirsty.

Does anyone read this?



  1. I just did. It was good to see you guys last week!

  2. Yes! I read it. Keep posting--love the updates!
