Hannah's rubbing the fact that fall is coming in my face. Curse her.
She keeps pointing up at the mountains and the first yellowing leaves. Doesn't she realize what that means?
First of all, school. No more sleeping in, no more doing absolutely nothing all day.
Second, harvest time, which means picking and washing and scalding and canning and freezing and making a giant mess of the kitchen, and since we're busy picking and washing and scalding and canning and freezing and cleaning up the kitchen, the rest of the house goes to pot.
But it needs to be done.
I have nectarines and peaches ripening on the tree, tomatoes turning a lovely shade of red, beans and squash and cucumbers out the freaking ears. And in between all that, the lawn needs mowing (we made the mistake of fertilizing) and the garden needs weeding--BADLY. I THINK there are still vegetables out there. ;-)
But think about all the WONDERFUL things about fall! The warm sun mixed with the cool air, the beautiful new colors, the harvest! It's amazing! Like the whole world has been working itself silly all summer and now here are the results. And then there's Halloween and Thanksgiving, and all the yummy fall food, and the getting together with friends and family, and getting to wear sweaters. Sure, it means the lond dreary winter is coming, but I'm going to enjoy it while its here.