25 March 2009

My Daughter the Drama Queen

Scarred for life!

That's funny!

I'm feeling guilty because I'm not posting as much as I promised myself. But I've got several blogs I'm posting in at the moment. This one, my writing one, my depression one, the Vincent family one. Plus the editing work that eats up a huge amount of my computering time--but I LOVE IT!!

Plus I'm spending more time writing.

I just finished a new story last night, currently have it in the hands of some writer friends for critique, then it'll be making the rounds through the fiction markets to try to find a home.

It's a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood, but with kind of a sick twist. Would you expect anything less of me? So the question the story poses is, what if Red started the whole wolf extermination thing? How? Why?

I guess you'll just have to wait for it to be published to find out!!

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