So much for that goal of the at-least-weekly blog!
So my guilt-ridden self is here to blog, just for the sake of blogging.
I do have an excuse. February is BUSY at our house, with three birthdays and Valentines and everything else that seems to get packed in.
I am, however, very excited! I got a camera for my birthday!
My old Kodak quit after our trip to Colorado. It may have been the sand at Great Sand Dunes that did it in. If you go to Great Sand Dunes, keep your cameras in a sealed ziploc bag. You can still use them and they'll be protected from the sand. If you have a big camera, use a big bag.
This time I have a Nikon--which is SWEET! I've always loved Nikon. I hope I'll be as pleased with my Nikon digital as I ever was with my Nikon reflex. So far, I'm not disappointed. It has lots of cool features and 10megapixel resolution.
That is SO amazing.
Just 10 years ago digital cameras were pretty much unheard of. Then they were ridiculously expensive for 2 or 3 megapixels of resolution. Now you can pop out 100 bucks or so and get a pretty good little camera with 6 ot 7 megapixels. Spend as much as I did on my Nikon reflex 20 years ago and you can get one heck of a sweet little gadget with good enough resolution to do good prints up to 16 X 20!
I have to say though, I still miss the smell of the darkroom and the thrill of messing around with light and chemistry. Digital is cool, but it's just not the same as making your own photos from scratch.
I'm jealous! The more pictures I take with my camera the more disappointed I am. It is three or four years old and just doesn't compare to the newer stuff. BTW--Happy Birthday!