Ian's timing himself on the Rubik's Cube. He's down to below 2 minutes on solving it.
Hannah is playing Zelda: The Legend of the Minnish Cap.
Maren and Darin are in the living room assembling a collage of horse pictures to put up in Maren's bedroom (thanks to Grandma W. for the old horse calendar).
I'm taking some time to catch up on blogs--including my own.
Tonight we're having turkey for dinner and then we'll have movie night--which is delayed due to a) lack of movies on Friday and b) an Elder's Quorum family party last night.
This week our new President will be inaugurated. We're already seeing signs that he is not as well-loved among his liberal congress-mates as everyone thought he would be. I'm definitely no fan of Obama's, but it will be interesting to watch how things play out.
And that's how it should be, I think. We actively participate in the political process, we work to bring about the kind of change that is best for the country, but in the end we don't have much choice but to sit back and play observer--not only an observer in the political process, but an observer--a witness, if you will--of the last days. I tend to think that we should be watching not with fear, or trepidation, or disgust, but with joy, with fascination. I liken it to the way I must have felt as I watched (or perhaps participated in) the creation of the world however many millenia ago. Certainly then there was a lot to be nervous about as we anticipated our uncertain mortal futures, but would we have been fearful? Would we have had our doubts? Would we have seen Satan plotting to lead us astray and wished things could be different?
I don't think so.
We shouted for joy then. Why not do the same now, knowing that the world and its affairs are in His hands, and that, despite the scary stuff, we're on our way to witnessing some pretty amazing events!
It's like taking a dream vacation with a carful of young children. The ride seems like hell, but the destination is FANTASTIC! That being the case, isn't the ride worth it?
Speaking of vacations, here's a picture from last year's vacation to Southern Colorado and Utah. These are from Great Sand Dunes National Park. It's a FREAKING long drive over the ugliest country on earth, and if you DO end up going, be sure to wear long pants and long sleeves if you want to climb the dunes. The wind blows at a fairly constant 35 mph, and that HURTS on bare skin. And, oh yeah, keep your camera in a ziploc bag to protect if from the sand:
I LOVE early church. So the mornings are a bit rushed but the afternoons are heavenly!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I have never heard of the Great Sand Dunes National Park. It sounds very cool - figuratively speaking!