30 January 2009


The vassals hereby resent the title "Vassal", and so REVOLUTION!!! FREEDOM!!! JUSTICE!!!! LATER BEDTIMES!!!
Our demands and Bill of Rights;
1: Later Bedtimes,
No vassal shall be put to bed before 10:00
2: Allowance
All vassals shall be paid a minimum of 10 dollars a week.
3: More Ice Cream
Ice cream shall be eaten for dessert every night
4: All vassals shall be referred to as Supreme High Majesty of all they survey.
5: Vassal 1 wants a car, her own sleeping quarters and a 5 string violin
6: Vassal 2 wants a computer, no make that a laptop, Fishing licences for Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and Montana, and a hunting/fishing trip to Alaska
7: Vassal 3 wants a Wii, a Nintendo Ds, and a puppy, and a TV...And her own honks store and everything in it. (Haha just kidding, private joke)
8: Vassal 2 also wants a house boat
9: while we're at it Vassal 1 wants six more bunnies and a place to keep them and a servant to clean up the poo.
10: and while we're dreaming we also want a mansion with an indoor pool, a yacht, and a private jet to fly us wherever we want to go. Oh, and World Peace and Chocolate bunnies for all!!!!


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